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Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Donde el Corazon se Inclina, el Pie Camina!

Hey Goobers!
     Long time no see, or well post. I would apologize but this tends to be a habit of mine, and what's  the point of apologizing if I see no change in  my near future? Although I will say I will try to post  more frequently than I have been. So I basically was going through my fotos and found some things  I have not posted yet y pues that's the purpose of this post. I am also super super emocionada porque en mas o menos cinco dias ya me voy pa Mexico. Let me tell you this, packing has been hectic and I'm not even halfway through. Pues me voy por todas  las vacaciones y ojala les traiga un monton de fotos de Guanajuato, Irapuato, Puerto Vallarta and all the places in between(I'll make sure not to accidentally erase them like last time!) Now I have to make this short and sweet since I technically should be packing  right now. Pues ay los watcho y hasta la vista baby! La proxima parada Mexico!(Con que no sea la ultima com dice Paquita!)

Homecoming 2012:
This years homecoming was friggin awesome. It was themed Halloween(Nightmare on Grizzly Avenue) and man kudos to ASB for going all out. The dance was decorated halloweenish and even had a candy tabl and a big screen playing Insidious outside and in the lounging area. As you will see I went as a flapper and kudos to Lis whopulled off the Black Swan magically!

Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on O-H-I-O:
Two summers back I went to Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio to celebrate my older cuz wedding.Ohio was so gorgeous, although a bit unnerving to see no palm trees! The wedding rehearsal took place in an awesome rib  place that had the most amazing raspberry ice scream. The wedding itself took place at Kenwood Country Club and all I have to say is wow. I have yet to find some of the other picture I took but here are some the wedding photographer took. BTW I was totally taken aback when everyone and I mean everyone busted out to the Ohio song.

Drama 2012/ Thoughts of a Teenage Mind:
Drama last year was so much fun, I miss it so much thisyear. I can't wait for next year, Senior Year, when I will be reunited with the Drama Family. Last years end of the year showcase was a huge sucess and it was a show in which each of the plays was written by the drama students. This worried people as there was a lt of kiilng scenes and people thought if this were the thoughts of a teenage mind (heehehe) Well, my play got chosen and it was called "Naco Cortejando a la Fresa" and I must commemorate my papito who helped me a lot. Overall the show went great and I am very proud of my scene.
Aqui esta el link para una porcion de mi obra de arte!

Varsity Tennis 2012:
This year in Tennis was a blast. It was my first year in Varsity and it couldn't have been better. Hopefull next year I will be sporting my jacket with my patches!

This was taken like two years back in Mexico, right before we left to catch the plane!

Ok pues as my good friend porky (looney tunes not the raunchy 80's movie!) That's all for now folks. I really do need to start packing. AAAHHHH I'm almost leaving I can't wait! By this time next week I'll be in Mexico preparing for los Barios! Ay ya me tengo que calmar and go pack. Hasta luego!
Your Radest Panda,

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