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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

El que mucho Abarca poco Aprieta

"Hoy me reclamaron por venir a verte, no quieren que vuelva por aqui jamas, dicen que si vuelvo encontrare la muerte, que por ti la vida me van a quitar. Piensan asustarme para que te deje, pero nunca nadie lo podra lograr, mientras tu me quieras yo estare presente, cerca de tu casa para platicar.
A mi no me asustan tipos lengua larga, que solo presumen para apantallar, yo soy de los hombres que no temen nada, y aunque este perdido no me se rajar."
                                  -Vicente Fernandez

Hey Goobers,
I know I know send me to blogger prison! I am so sorry for being such a terrible blogger but you know el dicho que puse como el titulo totally fits my situation. Not trying to put up excuses or anything but i had a lot going on like my first AP Test(so stoked I passed!) and drama(FYI a blog real soon about the playwirght festival) and tons of other activities. Now it wasn't my intention to neglect you and now that it is summer hopefully I will have more time although I do have tennis and summer school and tons of homework(seriously does the world not want me to have a summer!) No before I go on a rant I would like to give an update on my Mexico situation turns out we will not be going to Ixtapa but rather PUERTO VALLARTA! I know I'm so excited and I justcan't hide it I'm about to loose my...jkjk Now not much has happened so far I mean I'm sharpening up my tennis skills working on my damn serves and overheads. I;m doing great at spanish I now  know what an esdrujula, agudas, graves etc. are. Ooooohhh I have been reading some really good book lately and i will put up a post soon diciendo if i liked or no liked! Now these outfits are from like before school ended but mejor tarde que nunca no? Hope you enjoy!


First dress: ,Sweater: H and  M, Belt: thrifted; Jeans Jacket: Old Navy, White V-neck: Foerever 21, Yellow Skirt: Forever 21, Necklace: Not sure got it in the Swap Meet and didnt have a tag; Second Dress: Charlotte Russe; Huaraches: Payless( My americanized Huaraches!)

I got some Frogskin sunnies yesterday so excited to wear them! Oh and if youguys are watching Abismo de Pasion is Gael getting on your nerves too, cause he sure is heck is on mine!!!!!

This is me and my bud from drama(I know I'm so thug right?)
He took the awesome picture from below!

                                                                                                                      Your radest panda,