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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Comiendo ansias

"Y me gusta escuchar los mariachis, cantar con el alma sus lindas canciones, oir como suenan esos guitarrones y echar un tequila con los valentones...En Jalisco se quiere a la buena, porque es peligroso querer a la mala, por una morena echar muncha bala y bajo la luna cantar en Chapala...¡Ay, Jalisco no te rajes! Me sale del alma gritar con calor, abrir todo el pecho pa' echar este grito: ¡QuĂ© lindo es Jalisco, palabra de honor!" de Ay, Jalisco no te rajes  por Jorge Negrete

Hey Goobers,
So, these lyrics are from the song Ay Jalisco no te rajes by Jorge Negrete, who just so happens to be one of the cutest dude who ever lived. This song appeared in his film Ay Jalisco no te rajes which is basically about an orphan who swears to avenge his parents death and is also in love with a women who is engaged to a man she does not love but has to marry in order to save her family from ruin. This film is really good especially since Jorge Negrete is in it so automatically in my opinion it should've won Oscar but unfortunately the Academy does not think like(if they did then Damian Bichir would have won!) So anyways i decide to include this song not only because it's great but because my mom is from Jalisco, Lagos de Moreno to be exact. I hardly go there, since I have no imediate family there, though according to my mom everyone is family some way or another, but the times the whole imediate gets together to go have been awesome. Although it looks pretty big, it still has that small town feel. I really hope i can go visit this winter when i go to Irapuato. Talking about my winter vacation my dad told me the hotel we are staying in Ixtapa (drumrolls please!)...Hotel Presidente Ixtapa! I am super excited to go, that's all I daydream about in school, alpha beta and gamma radio-what? I seriously can't wait and el hotel esta super chido and right on the beach baby! *sigh* I can already taste the Congas and can feel the waves underneath my boogie board and smell the salty air and hear the crashing waves at nigh and see the spectacular sun rises and i better stop before I go into what I like to call Mexican-comma(condition where i stare off into space mumbling words like ocean,irapuato, chicos cueros, el centro, nieve the fresa de agua, chicos cueros, comida de mis tias, chocomils de leti, chicos cueros, chicos cueros, chicos...well you get the point!) I'm just super stoked and am already plannig my outfits and stocking up my closet with super cute clothes for this trip. So anyways I'm coming of my Mexican-comma and I would like to introduce the outfit I wore last friday, hope you enjoy!

Just thought my little bro looked so cute!

Shirt: Swap Meet (no tag), Jeans: Mossimo, Belt: Thrift find, Huaraches: Payless (My americanized huaraches!), Shades: Oakely

Well, I'm off to get ready for a basketball game, peeps. Hope to keep you posted!
Your radest panda,